For your kind of city
Thank you, Evansville!
I'm excited for the work and collaboration ahead to make Evansville our KIND of city! I welcome you to join us for a city council meeting - in person or online. Feel free to reach out to me anytime and I look forward to our communication with each other on social media. Let's do this!
"The moment I decided to run, I was standing at the Four Freedoms Monument listening to Veterans for Peace list the 17 Sustainable Development Goals our mayor agreed to promote as a "mayors for peace" city. I knew then that I wanted to be a part of making these a reality for our community."
- Mary Allen
Mary's Priorities :
Safe and Connected Neighborhoods
Good Health and Well-Being
Improved Roads and Parks
Job and Economic Growth
A Leader with a Heart for Others
"Mary Allen is someone I am lucky enough to call a friend -- she is the most generous, energetic, optimistic, purpose driven person that you could ever imagine... someone who is always rooting for and wanting the best for others. And those are the kind of people we need in leadership positions in our city."
- Ben Trockman
I value people, I'm committed to connecting, listening, and making a way for real change.